Archives for June 2013

By Faith [Guest Post by Kimberly]

Say hi to Kimberly from Girl Made Lovely By Sorrow. A woman, a mother, with a way with inspiring words.  The Chapter of Hebrews 11 talks of those who, by faith, let God use them to do amazing things.  Faith for me on had been reduced to the size of a mustard seed for certain.  […]

Forgiveness [Guest Post by Nannette]

Welcome Nanette from Hope in the Healing as she writes about forgiveness. She is a pastor’s wife, missionary, mother, and a writer along with many other gifts. If God Forgives Me, Why Can’t I Forgive Myself? “He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.” Psalms 103:12 (NLT). Do you know […]

Learning Faith

I am amazed how time flies by. It seems like just last year I was on pins and needles to graduate high school and go to college. Now I’m in my last year and am facing the reality that I will be thrown into the real world very soon. Maybe I’m just nostalgic, but Abba […]

Psalm 62 [Guest Post by Lauren]

Lauren from Marked by Grace is an inspiring young woman. Read her words about the Word and find some encouragement. Have you ever found a piece of scripture that you’ve never read? You find yourself absorbed in its amazing truth and you feel like you’ve discovered a treasure. This happened to me when I read Psalm […]