
5 Keys to Reigniting Spiritual Fervor

My desire to get more of God has grown over these few days. I find this intense desire to always pray and to study the Word of God. The scripture found in Psalm 42:1-2 has become very real in these times and sometimes I break down in tears. I normally have trouble keeping up my […]

Such is the love of God

I decided to read through the book of Hosea this week. I call it one of the unread books in my Bible and personally, it was my first time giving attention to the book. Well, I’m glad I did. The love story begins… I believe that Hosea is a book for every believer because it […]

Say That Prayer Now!!!

Academic stress, work deadlines, Employees not up to task, health decline….. With the ever-increasing pressures of the world, it’s important to keep your spiritual temperature high as a believer. Let’s not forget that the kids are back to school. John is complaining of dropping grades.  And Ken has a deep cut on his forehead. Hoh! […]