Guest Post

The Courage to Change Negative Thoughts about Ourselves

There are times when my world just seems upside down. You know what I mean? Those times when nothing seems to be going right. Your schedule is so overwhelming you are constantly behind the eight ball. You and your spouse aren’t on the same page; heck, are you even in the same book? Catching your […]

Good Enough Mom

This is for the Moms The one that carries, the one that carried and lost, The one that’s raising, the one that’s raised and let go For the one that adopted and the one that birthed For the one that’s always there For the one that had to said goodbye For the under-appreciated, tired, job […]

Dear Anyone Who Is Like Me

I haven’t been feeling right lately. I realized that I was victim to a cycle of up-and-down depression. I would be up one moment and down the next. I served God with all my heart, but I couldn’t understand why I was so easily flustered, so emotional, and just plain unhappy. To be honest, the […]

Stop Covering the Hole

My Story A while back, I went through a season of feeling alone and constantly feeling like I needed more because something was missing. There was emptiness in me but I felt like I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. I would pray and read my Bible and I’d feel better, but very soon after, I’d […]

You Are Not Invisible

The last few weeks have been extra full of doctor appointments for us. That has meant lots of driving, lots of waiting, and lots of anxiety for my daughter. The waiting room can become a very tricky place. When appointments are running behind significantly and my little one is filled to the brim with anxiety, […]