Renata Singh

Engaging Love

Love has existed way before the foundations of the earth, before God carefully knitted you together, before the sun and the moon, even before the mountains were lifted and the ocean spread out so vast. Love exists in eternity but is experienced in time. Love is the very character and nature of our heavenly Father […]

Two sides of the fence

On the attack or the defense? There are two statements that are dangerous to our walk as believers. I sadly have been in situations where I’ve used both excuses. Either to build up some level of superiority or make excuses for my sin. Countless times I’ve heard many believers use these statements and I just […]

3 P’s to Help You Survive Tough Times

On my worst day, I will be honest I don’t feel like doing what I’m about to tell you to do. But sometimes I have to remind myself that this Christian walk is not based on feelings and emotions. It is a faith walk with God. The day you give up is the day the […]