Tekeela Belk

People Like You and Me

We have the awesome privilege to celebrate the birth of Jesus in just a few days.   It is easy to look at this time as just another Christmas or just another opportunity to hear a “story”  of how Jesus was born in a manager.  Truthfully, God used ordinary people like you and me to bring forth the […]

Mercies and More Renewed Every Morning

I love morning times, especially fall mornings when the weather is perfect and the fall leaves create a canvas of colors.  There is nothing like walking out first thing in the morning and taking in a deep breath to inhale in the freshness and newness that mornings represent.  Mornings also signify a new day…. a […]

Really….It’s Ok to Laugh!

When I first went off to college, I had my entire life planned out. I knew what I was going to major in, where I was going to work when I graduated, and even knew where I was going to live. I was determined to graduate with the degree I had decided on since I […]