How many of us let the repetition of life steal our joy?
We are just trying to get through the day. We are constantly in a rush. There is the stress of being a parent, being a wife, working, finances, trying to keep up with a household, that can all be overwhelming. Then, we wake up and do it all over again!
Have you ever questioned if there was more to life? What your purpose is? Why are you here? Why don’t I have joy? Sometimes we go through the motions of life and are unfulfilled. When we are not in line with Gods plan, it can steal our joy.
You see, it’s not our family or our marriage that is wrong, it is a spiritual struggle. What do I want to do with my life? What has God called me to be? Until we answer those questions, our joy will be stolen. But how can we answer those questions? When we turn to the word of God and hear what he has to say about us; then we can find our purpose.
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There are three things that can steal our joy:
- When we don’t spend enough time with our Father. Can you make more alone time with Him? Sometimes when we get home, we just want to relax and watch TV, read a book or catch up on social media. All those things are fine, but it can also distract us! When we start praying and praising the atmosphere begins to change. Romans 4:17 AMPC- Who gives life to the dead and speaks of nonexistent things that [He has foretold and promised] as if they [already] exist. God has the power to change nonexistent things as they already exist, that is powerful, but we need to spend the time with Him.
- When we don’t proclaim His plans. Do you know the plans God has for you? I do, you were called to be a prophet to the nations. How are you going to do that? I don’t know, that is when you need to start seeking Him. We serve a big God who can do all things. He will give you the desires of your heart. We need to trust in Him, even if it seems impossible. Jeremiah 1:5 (NLT)- I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.
- When we don’t know His promises. It is imperative to know the word of God. In our generation, we have the power of technology. We have our fancy phones and our bible apps. But we need to have the word etched in our hearts. Deuteronomy 11:19 (NLT) – Teach them to your children, talk about them when you’re at home, when you’re on the road, when you are going to bed and when you’re getting up.
Father, we thank you for your goodness! Help us realize the joy stealers in our lives. Remind us to spend time praying, seeking you plans and reading your promises. We claim joy in our lives. We claim your promises that are always true. And we claim your plans to be fulfilled.