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It wants you to believe that you are alone. Wants you to seclude yourself, to believe that you are not good enough. That you’ll never change. It will make you feel the need to quit. Shame is a tool in the hand of the one who wants to stop you from realizing who you really are. Who you belong to. How very loved and forgiven you are.

Christ knew the cost of sin- 

He knew that without Him, we would never be able to get past the guilt and shame of it. In Him, we can find freedom from the guilt. From the shame. It’s why He came, why He died. For us to be able to accept the gift of forgiveness and forgetfulness because He tells us that when we find ourselves in Him, He removes our sins as far as the east is from the west and He remembers them no more.

Does it mean we don’t sin any longer? No- it just means we have hope. That we can get up after we have fallen and trudge ahead, knowing that our God is a loving, merciful, forgiving and forgetting-on-purpose kind of God. Knowing that when He looks at me, just as He looked at that sheep that wandered away, He will lovingly leave the other sheep to track me down and pull me back into the fold if necessary. It gives me the courage and the motivation to keep trying. To keep going. New mercies. Tender mercies. Just for me. Overcoming Shame Through Christ

Shame can be buried…

by the blood of Jesus. And here’s why: There is no shame,  no condemnation to those who are in Christ. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. Not the ones who had it all together and doing just fine. He came for the ones that were lost, broken, sick. That’s us. He came for the troubled kids like me that would grow up to be a troubled adult. He came for us because He knew that without Him, our shame would win. We would wander away to some dark crevice somewhere and hide.

But because of Him, we have those new mercies, those second chances every. single. day. We don’t have to be ashamed because we have the knowledge that He knew before we were ever created that we’d be lost little sinners without Him. So He did come. And He found us. Now we’re just little sinners found by the Shepherd Who will find us every time. Restore us every time. Love us still- every time.

Shame defeated

Our shame was placed on Him that day over 2000 years ago. Our shame, along with death, was defeated by the sacrifice that could only be made by the Perfect One. It was finished. Death and hell were swallowed up- and along with it, the condemnation, the shame, the fear, all of it. Jesus went into the grave with all of those things on Him. But when He came out three days later- He came out victorious over all of those. And praise to be to God, when we are raised to a new life in Him, so do we find victory.

Shame is your enemy, and it is a liar. Rebuke those feelings in Jesus Name, because He freed you from those things. ACCEPT, and LIVE in the FREEDOM you have in HIM! Shame has nothing on the forgiving, restorative power of Jesus Christ.

Keep getting back up. Dust yourself off, and never give up. No matter how bad you mess up, your story isn’t over until GOD calls you home. Time to get the shovel, and bury the shame once and for all.

My name is Lynn, and I’ve been married to my husband Matthew for 26 years. We live in SC along with our 4 children, and 2 grandchildren. Matthew and I are both in fulltime ministry. Matthew has been lead pastor at our church for almost 11 years.
My passion is seeing others overcome difficult pasts with a desire to grow in the Lord and serve Him without feeling unqualified or less than.