Trusting God With Your Future

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Hello lovely ladies, my name is Joanny and I blog over at I am just an ordinary girl studying Biomedical Science at the university and I love Jesus, journalling, stationery, chocolate and everything inspirational. I am a newbie to this community but I have been greatly encouraged by reading all the posts that have been shared here so I am very pleased to be able to share with you all what the Lord has placed in my heart today. This is something I learnt recently from a talk at one of my university’s Christian Union meetings and it is the topic of trusting God with your future.

Being a first-year student at the university,  I constantly worry about my future and career plans. Even during times when I think I am so sure about what I want to do after my degree, I still have all these doubts about whether things will work out according to plan. I am certain that worrying about our future is not something that only students do. We often worry about taking big steps in life, about changes, about our future relationships and what our lives will be like in the next couple of years or so. Today, I just hope that this post will encourage everyone reading it that there is no need to worry and that the best person to trust with your future is God.

[Tweet “The best person to trust with your future is God – @Joannywhite”]

Why should we trust God with our future I hear you ask? Well because He tells us to. Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of my favourite verses because it encourages us to trust God and not rely on our abilities because we cannot do it without Him. He has a divine plan for all of us and this plan was made even before we were born so He alone can show us the right way to go when we are at crossroads or about to make life-changing decisions. Ephesians 1:11 also tells us about the inheritance we have in Christ and how He makes everything work out for our good so why wouldn’t you trust Him with your plans?

Trusting Your Future to God

If we decide to trust God, then how do we do that I hear you ask again? Well, the first thing to do is to pray constantly about it. Talk to God about your worries, concerns and cast your burdens on Him. Tell Him all about it and be prepared to act according to His will for your life and not yours. When you pray to God about it, He will answer you by opening doors for you and closing the doors you don’t need so be prepared to follow His lead and direction.

Also, hold on to your future lightly. Most of us are not sure about God’s plans for us and so when we make plans, we should make these plans with God and try not to be so bent on achieving a particular goal that we totally miss an even greater opportunity that God is giving or showing us. It is very important that we include God in the process and not just run to Him at the last minute.

Finally, don’t be scared of failing. Proverbs 24:16 says that though the righteous fall seven times, they will rise up again seven times. Failures and disappointments are not meant to pull us down, but they are meant for us to use as stepping stones to our glorious future ahead. We are worth more to God than just our jobs and careers and so failing never means we are not good enough. His grace is sufficient for us and His power works best in our weaknesses so we should find our strength in the Lord. He has got our backs.

One thing I would love for us to remember is that “Trusting God with our future liberates us because the One who holds our future holds our hands.”

Have a lovely day everyone.
God bless 🙂

About the Author

BCW Guest Blogger Johanny


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