What Is The Abundant Life?

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I had just moved into a new apartment. It was right at that time that I began to have dreams of a man being in my apartment when I was not there. He was never nice, sometimes he would be sitting on my bed, and other times he would be sitting on my couch. The dreams were a bit unnerving.

As the weeks and months went on strange things began to happen. My dog would bark at seemingly nothing. When I got home my television and lights would randomly be on. My kitchenware began to disappear, along with my favorite blanket and candles.

I remember the moment we figured out what was happening. My dad told me. Someone I didn’t know had the key to my apartment and was monitoring when I was coming and going. He knew my schedule and would come in and make himself at home while I was at work. He would watch tv, eat my food, and take my things.

Along with my things being stolen, so was my peace and the feeling of security in my home.

Wooden Home Sign

The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy…

And that is what the enemy does. If we are not careful, and we give him a foothold, he will come in and make himself at home when we are busy. His purpose is to steal your joy, kill your faith, and destroy your belief that God is good.

Once we realized what was happening, my first thought was to move out of my apartment. I didn’t feel safe there. I didn’t want to be there, and I definitely would have a hard time sleeping there. But we decided just to change the locks, and that way the man couldn’t get in my house anymore.

That is what we did, and the guy never came in again.


Related: Praying God’s Promises 


Securing Yourself

Sometimes we need to make sure we are securing ourselves in Christ, and guarding our hearts to ensure that the enemy doesn’t have a foothold in our lives. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came so that we may have abundant life. When the Enemy Comes

I love the Hebrew word used for “they may have”. Echo. It means to have, to hold, to possess. It can be used by those who are joined by friendship, natural blood, marriage, or duty or law. That is a strong word.

It is a word that holds a strong commitment. A covenant. A promise. Security. And Jesus says that we can have that abundant life. That is why He came. Abundant life, exceeding number or need. Extraordinary, uncommon.

And that is His promise, His commitment, His covenant that is as strong as Him dying on a cross and rising again. Life that is filled with love, joy, peace, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Life that is secured by His covenant, paved by His promise, and fulfilled by the power of His love.

Yes, there is an enemy. His goal is to get you to doubt what God says is true. He wants you to question if He is indeed faithful, and wants to ruin your security in Christ.


Related: Trusting God’s Plan

But His gift of abundant life holds a promise that the enemy can not take away from us. It is a gift that says You can trust me, I am God. A promise that says I will never leave you or forsake you. The commitment of eternal security, and a covenant of faithfulness until the end of time when He will come again.

So how can we prepare for the times when the enemy tries to make a home in our lives?

By putting on our spiritual armor of God every day. The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. Without this armor, we are most vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. But with the armor, we are sheltered when evil comes lurking. The armor of God protects us and shields us so that we can have faith when darkness comes, trust when the nights are long and believe that God is good when we feel alone.

Beautiful one, He is good. He is faithful, and He keeps your heart secure in the palm of His mighty hand.

We would love to hear what you do to help prepare yourself for when the enemy tries to come and steal your security in Christ. What are tangible ways that you arm yourself daily? Let’s inspire each other!