You Are Set Apart

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I recently did a blog on my website titled “How Do You Know” where I spoke on love, relationships, and where God fits in. I touched based on purity and soul ties. Before we begin I would like readers to know I have not always stood for purity, I am a single unwed mother of two. I love my kids dearly but if I understood what I now know I would have made better decisions.

Many young people my age don’t understand what consequences are tied to sexual immorality and the damage being yoked spiritually to the wrong person can cause. The world we live in today glorifies sex and condemns marriage. It is a scary thought to make a forever vow to one person for the rest of your life but it’s even scarier to leave fragments of your soul with every single person you have a sexual encounter with. You have no idea what internal demons that person is harboring and now your soul is knitted to that person. Sex outside of marriage taints and creates lust.

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I was standing on the NYC train platform the other day waiting for my train and I began looking at the MTA subway map (hey I was bored and my phone died). I’m not sure if anyone is familiar with this map but it shows all five NYC boroughs, all the different trains, each train stop, and their destinations. The map has different color lines showing Allowing God to direct your dating relationshipsthe many different trains and their paths. The different lines are squiggly and intersect with one another eventually reaching a destination and then returning back on the same route.

This map shows the lives of people who don’t allow the Lord to dictate their path concerning relationships. They are running around all the over the place intersecting with different people (meaning dating, sex, etc), they eventually reach a destination only to turn back around and continue down the same path. Many of the reasons (not all, there are other contributing factors) why people suffer from emotional disorders is because their soul is fragmented. They jump from relationship to relationship and are never satisfied but fail to realize they are the common denominator. You begin to pick up the traits of every single person you become intimate with and then wonder why you feel scattered and broken.

Broken people attract broken people, you attract who you are. When you are emotionally led, you cannot make the proper choices because you are led by feelings and that is dangerous. But there is hope. I just love God! In Galatians 3:13 it tells us “Our curse has been redeemed”, implying repent of your sins and this curse will be lifted off of you. The Bible tells us “You are a brand new creation” once you give your life over to Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). God can wash you, purify you and set you free of any sin. God wants us to honor and protect our bodies not as a form of punishment but as His protection. Obedience unlocks so much favor and anointing over your life. Give me a double portion of each father!

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God honors marriage because He is a God of order. There is only one author of chaos and confusion, his name is Satan. How beautiful would it be to be equally yoked to the right person both godly and Spirit-filled, two imperfect people chasing after a perfect God? This means dying to your flesh, being fully surrendered to the Lord and allowing Him to lead you to the right individual. A person on the same path and going in the right direction together.

Trust God. If you are young and torn between this world’s standard and honoring God read the book of Esther. “Maybe you were created for such a time as this” Esther 4:14, to be the voice of the younger generation and remember you are a set apart beautiful young lady.

About the Author

Cynitha M of Hope DeferredCynthia M. is a lover of Christ, mother of two beautiful children, and founder of Hope Deferred Inc. She blogs at The Hope Deferred, a place to encourage, inspire and bring hope and restoration to broken lives. Connect with her online on Twitter or Instagram