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Pursing Your Dreams

We all have them – those dreams that go untended, deep in our hearts. The whispers of “What if?” that haunt us at night. “Wouldn’t it be amazing if…?” “If only I could….”

The truth is, you can. It could. And yes, it will be amazing.

I work with clients all the time who have behind their eyelids a vision of their dream life – of God’s dream for them. It’s right there, vibrant in its lush color and texture, ready to become a reality. But that’s where it stays – because they simply don’t know how to pursue it, how to make it happen. Or maybe the vision is so big, they get overwhelmed and don’t know how to start. For some, the vision is crystal clear, but the bridge from here to there is enveloped in fog and hidden.

It is possible to clear the fog, cross that bridge, and manifest your dreams into reality. But it takes intentionality and investment – it won’t just happen on its own. A decision needs to be made and then time, energy, passion and yes, possibly money will need to be spent in order to make it come true. This might mean working with a coach, doing things that scare you, or investing some hard-earned cash into your dream.

5 Ways to Make Your Dreams Reality

After working with clients and chasing my own dream down, here are five tips I can offer you for making your dreams a reality.

1. Decide your dream is non-negotiable. A non-negotiable means you are committed to taking action – not just giving lip service. You’re ready to do what it takes and to make the sacrifices that are necessary. It also means that other things that don’t feed your dream will need to go. This can be hard – but it’s absolutely imperative if you’re serious about dream-making. It may mean that for a period of time, you won’t be the committee chair or on that board or part of that team. You don’t have to do this forever, but for a period of time, you’ll have to put your dream above other priorities in your life. Otherwise, it’ll just stay on that dark, dusty shelf in your heart.

2. Spend time every day on your dream. Even just twenty minutes every day can make a huge difference. It may start with a simple brain dump – getting everything in your head out on paper. That may proceed into a messy, half-baked iteration of what your ultimate dream is. But at least you’re doing something – you’re creating. And that’s half the battle. But jumping in and doing something every day – scheduling that time in – is going to propel your progress further than you could imagine.

3. Collect the right people. Understand your strengths, and get the right people to fill in for your weaknesses. Figure out what you need to delegate so you can get your dream on. Build a team that covers and supports your dream – this could be as simple as the support system you need to get your writing time in or the professionals you need to sit on the board of your new non-profit. Either way, getting the right people on board is critical to your success.

4. Realize clarity comes smack dab in the middle of the doing. Don’t expect to be entirely clear on every single aspect of how it’s all going to work out exactly before you start. Discovery happens as you go; clarity comes in the doing. It’s only when you get your hands in there and start feeling around that you can begin to understand the way it’s all put together. So jump in! Get dirty. Understanding will come at exactly the right time as you progress.

5. Finally, do something that scares you a little every day. Seriously – I know it sounds campy. But it’s true – when you challenge yourself every day, it gives you the confidence to chase down new successes. Every time you do something that scares you, you’re putting money in your courage bank. Then when it’s time to do something really, really big, it won’t seem so crazy because you’ll have a nice big deposit of courage just waiting for you to draw upon it. Those little things add up – so go to the networking event; let your friend read your novel; ask for the help. Note the date you start doing the scary things, and a year later, look back on what you did. You’ll be amazed at how much closer you are to living your dream life than you ever imagined you could be.

As a coach, I’m passionate about helping women reach their goals. That’s why I’m offering a 50% discount on my POWER PACKAGE – for Blogs by Christian Women readers. For more info on this special, please email me directly at [email protected]. To learn more about She*s ELEVATED click HERE

About the Author

She-s-ELEVATED-She-s-ELEVATED-0005-200x300Kerry Connelly wants to live in a world where women are equipped and empowered to live the life God dreams for them — because she knows that the world will be a better place for it! As a Managing Director of She*s ELEVATED, she works with women who have dreams that keep them up at night sleep better by making those dreams come true.

When she’s not in a meeting with the She*s ELEVATED leadership team, you can find her writing (mostly at her blog,www.jerseygirljesus.com ), coaching and consulting with clients, hanging out with her amazing husband, Michael, and their two children, and occasionally donning safety glasses and rubber gloves as she makes kitchen-crafted artisan soap.

Kerry is a Certified Christian Life Coach and a New York City Leadership Fellow. She has a BA in Literature from Montclair University with a concentration in Creative Writing, and she is currently (as of Fall, 2014) working on her first full-length non-fiction work — a book about her love story with God.