Mentor Other Women? Who Me?

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Mentor Other Women- Who Me

Yes. You friend.

No, it doesn’t matter that you are sitting there with one child at your feet crying with another climbing up onto the table.

It makes no difference that you have a pile of dishes in your kitchen sink that matches the height of your washed-and-dried-but-not-put-away laundry.

And it is ok that your never ending to-do list is increasing more than it’s ever decreased.

I believe God wants to use you to mentor other women!

The above scenarios were mine.

Then in the midst of life’s chaotic, beautiful mess, I felt God prompting my heart.

“Yes, I am asking YOU to mentor other women.”

Impossible I thought.

I would never have the knowledge, time or ability. How could I ever make an impact on another woman’s life or relationship with the Lord?

But then God began to open my eyes to these 3 areas and showed me the heart of the matter.

Pay Attention to Your Circle of Influence

Often when we think of mentoring, we picture a formal setting or church program. And there are some fantastic ones out there! But I want to challenge you instead, to pay attention to the women God has placed in your life.

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. Titus 2:3-5

I started to notice the women God had surrounded me with. Many were a step or two or even quite a few years behind me in age. I began to pray to see more clearly how to reach them. And guess what? He opened up a world of opportunity!

Pay Attention to Your Season

If you are in throes of parenting littles, you may feel like just making it until bedtime is enough on your plate. I get that! We had 4 kids 5 and under at the time.

I am gently asking that you take a step back to refocus.

Pray to understand your season. God is gracious and He will show you possibilities. No, He may not call you to go off and teach in a formal setting right now, He knows where you are at!

He might be calling you instead to share a story. Your personal experience of a Mom struggle backed up with the gospel and seasoned with His grace. And all while you are at a MOPS meeting or playdate :)

God can work out BIG heart change in small spaces!

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Take advantage of those walks with other Moms. The cracks of time (between fighting kids) at the park and speak the truth, encourage and share Him with them!

If you are open to it, God will use you to mentor in the season you are in!

Pay Attention to Your Faith

There is no better way to hear God than prayer and time in His word. When you are fueling your faith, you can pass that on by mentoring other women!

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If you are struggling to believe you able to mentor others, ask Him for help. Pray that He will increase your faith in Him. That He will do a work in you and thru you onto others. You won’t regret it!

I invite you to come to Him with an open heart.

Pay attention to your circle of influence, your season of life and growing your faith. You just may be amazed at how He will use you to mentor and encourage other women right where you are!

Lee is a Daily redeemed Christ follower, Wife of 18 yrs, Mom to 5 Treasures, an Unexpected Homeschooler and Avoider of Small Talk. She's a Faith Based Blogger + Lifetime Encourager who writes and creates over at Like Minded Musings. Her passion is to Encourage + Equip Christian Women and Tween Girls to Embrace Imperfect & Radiate Christ!