Verse by Verse [V.3]

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Thanks to all who participated in last weeks link up on John 16:24! We enjoyed reading your reflections.

We invite you to participate in the 3rd edition of Verse by Verse.

Every 1st & 3rd Monday of the month we will post a new verse for memorization. As a community of believers writing about the Truth, let us write it in our hearts as well as on our blogs. 

We also want to add more interaction through hosting a link-up of your reflection on the verse. This way you’ll be able to read other Christian women blogger’s thoughts on this verse. We will make the link-up live the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month to give each of you enough time to memorize, reflect on and write about the verse. We also have an iphone background for you to save to help in memorization. We pray that the word will saturate your lives in a new way through this challenge.

Verse for the next 2 weeks is Hebrews 12:14. You should give all of Hebrews 12 a read as it is a wonderful chapter of the Bible.

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. (NIV)
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Make sure to come back on June 13th to link-up your reflections on Hebrews 12:14. Please spread the word and put this button on your sidebar and reflection post:

Blogs by Christian Women 

All blogs entered will be reviewed and we reserve the right to remove any blog from the link-up that is inconsistent with Christian values.