Archives for April 2014

Refreshed, Revived and Restored

“You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.”Psalm 30:11 “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”Psalm 34:8 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in […]

Easter – More Than Chocolate

It’s that amazing time of year again – along with Christmas, this is the biggest and most poignant moment of each calendar year, really.  Easter time. Easter… What does that word mean to you? Does in conjure thoughts of delicious chocolate eggs, toasty warm hot cross buns and fuzzy little bunnies? Does it  remind you […]

God’s Word

I am sure by now I have told you that I am a huge proponent of memorizing scripture.  If I haven’t mentioned that yet, let me tell you, I am a huge proponent of memorizing scripture!  I challenge myself, my family, the small groups I am in, even the preschool choir I help lead – to […]


I must say I’m really humbled to have been given the opportunity to write for Blogs by Christian Women. I must admit that I’ve been blessed by the few posts I’ve read on this blog. And I give God the praise for using this medium to reach out to many women. I count myself blessed and graced and I […]

There’s Purpose in the Process

I love tea! And at this moment I have more varieties than I can practically drink. It’s become my affordable indulgence. This may sound a tad ridiculous, and I feel ancient saying it, but drinking tea is like drinking a cup of serenity or ‘sereni-tea’. See what I did there? So puny! Yep, moving on….For […]