Tami Lundgren

Walking Along the Road

 “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…” Deuteronomy 6:4-7 (NIV)   We moved into the house we now call home nine years ago.  At the time, my husband and […]

God’s Word

I am sure by now I have told you that I am a huge proponent of memorizing scripture.  If I haven’t mentioned that yet, let me tell you, I am a huge proponent of memorizing scripture!  I challenge myself, my family, the small groups I am in, even the preschool choir I help lead – to […]

The Desires of Your Heart

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  David assures us of this promise in Psalm 37:4 If I was being truly honest with you, and I do try to be honest, I would have to say, I have always wondered if this promise is really true.  It seems kind of […]

It’s a Tough Job…

It can be a thankless job.  Sitting at your computer writing. Posting. Watching the number of hits creep up (or not creep up as the case may be). Opening yourself up. Letting other people in. Sharing what is in your heart. Not knowing if anyone understands or even cares. Wondering if you have reached anyone. […]

Truth or Lie?

Are you a person who lives by the truth or do you, like me, too often find yourself believing a lie? I know what is true.  I do.  But too often lately, I have found myself believing the lies.  I have found myself doubting… questioning… wondering… and inevitably, at least for a brief time, buying into a […]