
Blogging A to Z : Key Terms You Should Know Part 2

Having trouble getting your mind wrapped around all the blogging jargon? Well with our back to blogging school series, we are here to clear up some of the confusion. Today we pick up from Blogging A to Z Part 1 to cover more essential blog vocabulary every blogger should know. [postgopher]No time to read the full […]

Blogging A to Z | Key Terms You Should Know

Back to school already? It’s official friends, school is in full swing. Do you remember learning your ABC’s? As a wee child, we had no idea just how essential those alphabets would be in our lives. That quirky little alphabet song and those seemingly unrelated letters helped us to form words and then to construct […]

Can We Get Your Thoughts, Dear Reader…

Hey there, friend! Most times it seems like we are the ones doing all the talking around here. But we definitely value your voice!  That’s why we have designed our first ever Reader’s Survey so that we can learn more about you and get your feedback. Why Your Feedback Matters Since the time I first […]

The NKJV Woman’s Study Bible Grow in the Word Giveaway

Ask most women these days how are things, and you will often hear the word “busy” in their conversation. From tending to children, running businesses, blogging, and nurturing relationships, our lives are full. And one of the most important tools to help fuel our daily lives is spending time with God and His Word. I […]

Keys to Studying the Bible With Confidence

Do you remember what it was like when you were learning how to ride a bike the first time? If your learning experience was anything like mine, you had lots of wobbling, uncertainty, fear of falling, and desiring the security of my mom’s steady hands. Even when my mom assured me I could do it […]