I am More

Do you remember the first time you heard your baby say “mama”? It was a big moment. A one that you remember and cherish. It melts your heart and from that moment you are now called, “Mom”. That name is special. You are their mom. But something that I am learning is I am more […]

How To See the Heart of Others

Since my children were born, there has been a list of things I have prayed for them. To be protected. To know how special they are and how very much they are loved. To find good friends who will stand by them. To have their hearts and minds guarded from the things of this world. […]

How Could God Give Me a Child Like This

In the early days of my son’s diagnosis with mild autism, the journey of unknowns began. I had so many questions with very little answers in return. One question I silently asked God as tears became a daily reminder of my pain, “How could you have given me a child like this?” I felt so […]