Guest Post

Do You Believe You are Wonderfully Made?

Comparison is a good self-esteem’s worst enemy. In our perspective, we think that woman is prettier, smarter, thinner, and more graceful than we’ll ever be. She gets so much attention and everyone wants to be her friend. How can I be more like her? Those thoughts will destroy you. I had a roommate that had […]

The Gift

I see the gift in you. You can do many things, but there is this one thing that you are great at. You do it with ease and grace. It is part of you. You cannot get it out of your thoughts. And when you walk away from it in frustration and abandon it for […]

It’s Just a Storm

“And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:39 (KJV)   Storms come up lightning-fast here in the mountains. You can be sitting here in the stillness one minute, and flurrying around closing windows and praying for safety the next. The […]


In Success Through Stillness, Russell Simmons, who teaches meditation practices, shows how stillness helps us find greater clarity and focus and helps us be healthier in body and mind. Eckhart Tolle who wrote Stillness Speaks said, “To meet everyone and everything through stillness instead of through mental noise is the greatest gift you can offer […]

To My Single Sisters

I just wanted to share my testimony to encourage one single girl; from another single girl! I was dating a guy that I met on the internet. I trusted him because I met him on Christian Mingle and because he said was a Christian.  His dad is a pastor of a small Baptist church and […]