Archives for August 2016

How Could God Give Me a Child Like This

In the early days of my son’s diagnosis with mild autism, the journey of unknowns began. I had so many questions with very little answers in return. One question I silently asked God as tears became a daily reminder of my pain, “How could you have given me a child like this?” I felt so […]

He Will Deliver You

My family has been through some tough times over the past couple of years, and there was a particular request we had been praying and believing God for, but we just were not getting the answer we needed. Many times we tried and many times we got nothing back but failure and disappointment. It was […]

Digging into God’s Word With Others

Having a Christian mother, the church has been a part of my life since birth. And I was well acquainted with hearing scriptures and being instructed to “read my Bible.” Yet it would take years before it really resonated with me. The first Bible I purchased which set a flame my love for God’s Word […]


Recently I experienced an incident when a friend made a statement that I knew was inconsistent with the teaching of the Bible. Knowing that I was a Christian they further stated that Bible is outdated or not for our times. I knew what she was saying was most definitely not biblical, in fact, the Bible […]

It’s the Greatest Verse in the Bible

Well, in my humble opinion it’s the greatest verse in the entire Bible, but we’ll get to the reveal in a moment. [Tweet “So what’s the greatest verse in the Bible “] First, let’s exercise our imaginations a bit. Imagine you’ve given birth to a child (not difficult for those of you who are already […]